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Probiotic Yogurt Making

Making yogurt at home is easy with Made Millie Yogurt Making Kits.

Yogurt is simply milk or cream which has been cultured with bacteria. Yogurt has many health benefits and when consuming homemade yogurt with active and live probiotic cultures there are several additional health benefits over processed yogurts. Store bought yogurts are preserved for a longer shelf life which entails being heat treated after the active culture has been added. This process kills off the majority if not all the benefit cultures before you even eat the yogurt.

This is why making your own yogurt is the best way to ensure that you yogurt is fresh, contains hundreds of active and live cultures in each spoon full. Mad Millie yogurt contains probiotic cultures 1.acidophilus and b.bifidum. Check out our selection of yogurt making ingredients and kits below.
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Making Cheese, Butter, and Yogurt Paperback book Yogurt Kit Probiotic Milk Kefir Grains Dehydrated
Automatic Yogurt Maker Sweet Yogurt Starter Culture Creamy Yogurt Starter Culture NECY3
Probiotic Kefir Starter Culture NEC45 Creamy Kefir Starter Culture NEC46 Greek Yogurt Maker
Extra Jars for Automatic Yogurt Maker Making Ice Cream and Frozen Yogurt